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Марио Жеков 1898-1955 (представен от Марин Добрев)
Christo Pimpirev: The Antarctic Hitchhiker (Христо Пимпирев: Антарктическият стопаджия - издание на английски език) 
Автор: Иглика Трифонова | Iglika Trifonova
Раздел: География, пътеводители, Български мемоари и биографии, Българска съвременна история, Българска история на чужди езици
Издателство: Книгомания
Народност: българска
ISBN: 9786191953783
първо издание, 2024 год.
твърди корици, 354 стр.
Цена: 49,90 лв  
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Most Bulgarians have heard the name of Christo Pimpirev and remember the smiling professor from the television screen. They know about the expeditions and about Bulgaria's base in Antarctica, about the difficulties our polar explorers face and about the successes they achieve on the Ice Continent every year. But who is the man behind the big smile? How did he manage to turn his personal dream into state policy and create a positive image of Bulgaria in the world for decades? What motivates and inspires him and gives him the strength to keep moving forward.
Professor Christo Pimpirev is a lecturer in geology at the Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, scientist and polar explorer. Chairman of the Bulgarian Antarctic Institute and director of the National Center for Polar Research. Leader of 32 Bulgarian Antarctic expeditions. Author of 11 books, 10 documentaries, one feature film and over 250 scientific publications. Commander of the Order of Isabel the Catholic, awarded to him by decree of the King of Spain, Felipe VI, for his significant contribution to the ties of friendship and cooperation between the Spanish and Bulgarian nations. Prof. Pimpirev is included in a world ranking of the hundred most prominent polar researchers on Earth. Pimpirev Peak on Alexander Island, Pimpirev Glacier and Pimpirev Beach on Livingston Island in Antarctica are named after him.

„Professor Christo Pimpirev cannot be mistaken for anyone else, because his life and achievements are extremely exceptional. We need just such people in Bulgaria – people with renaissance idealism and at the same time professionally prepared and having the character to see their projects through.”
– Petar Stoyanov, President of the Republic of Bulgaria (1997 - 2002)

„Prof. Pimpirev is undoubtedly an erudite man, with a broad culture and very persistent in pursuing his goals, a man of iron character, a good organiser and a true patriot.”
– Georgi Purvanov, President of the Republic of Bulgaria (2002 - 2012)

„Prof. Pimpirev's positivity and confidence are infectious. His dream has become both my cause and my dream – for Bulgaria to have a worthy presence on the IceContinent.”
– Rosen Plevneliev, President of the Republic of Bulgaria (2012 - 2017)

„The name of Professor Christo Pimpirev is an emblem of Bulgarian science in Antarctica, and his work is a good example of how enthusiasm and consistency of efforts make big dreams come true. Those dreams that transcend national borders and leave a mark not only in news reports and photographs, but also in the hearts of contemporaries.”
– Rumen Radev, President of the Republic of Bulgaria (2017 - until now)

„The very fact that a person like him, with that strength of spirit, that enthusiasm and fighting spirit, has achieved so much for science and for the international prestige of Bulgaria, is more than eloquent – the Professor is a person who sets an example.”
– His Majesty Tsar Simeon II

Iglika Trifonova has participated in six Bulgarian expeditions to Antarctica. Her work as a photographer and journalist has been published in Bulgarian and foreign media. Chairman of the Association of Polar Early-Career Scientists (APECS Bulgaria) from 2012 to 2023. Member of the Union of Bulgarian Journalists and the Bulgarian Antarctic Institute. In 2022, she was included in a world ranking of one hundred women in polar science and education who inspire next generations of young explorers to become polar scientists. In 2023, Cape Trifonova on Livingston Island was named after her for her contribution to the promotion of Antarctica.
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10 най-продавани книги за месеца
1. Бързо насън (събрани стихотворения)
2. Нека помним. Истории от историята
3. Към историята на западноевропейската литература
4. Кант. Биография
5. Шумът от дебри и балкани... Ръководство, тактика и бит на българските партизани (1941 – 1944)
6. Българите на Балканите, в Европа и в света. Разкази за миналото на културните влияния и политическите реалности
7. Потулена София
8. Успоредни Животописи II
9. Дипломатическа практика и церемониал в Средновековна България
10. Nexus. Кратка история на информационните мрежи от Каменната епоха до ерата на изкуствения интелект

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