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Царска България (1879-1946). Българският владетелски двор (личности, длъжности, биографии)
Марио Жеков 1898-1955 (представен от Марин Добрев)
The Byzantine Hagiographic and Hymnographic Texts on St Parasceve of Epibatae 
Автор: Евелина Минева / Evelina Mineva
Раздел: Езикознание, лингвистика, семиотика, филология, Православна литература, Извори и документи, Антикварни книги
Издателство: Боян Пенев
Народност: българска
ISBN: 9786197372045
първо издание, 2017 год.
меки корици, 286 стр.
Цена: 30,00 лв  
Прикачен файл:
This monograph sets out to elucidate the initial, Byzantine period in the history of the cult of St Parasceve of Epibatae, which has remained in the shadows foi a range of reasons, through the publication of the critical edition of the saint’s surviving Byzantine Vita (BHG 1420z). A meticulous paleographic, historical, textological and linguistic analysis of this text proves that it can be regarded as Deacon Vasilikos’ “lost” vita, written in the twelfth century during the reign ol Patriarch Nicholas IV Mouzalon and Emperor Manuel I Komnenos. The monograph also seeks to outline the ‘sacred’ geographical network through which the saint’s cult initially spread, and to shed light on the historical and literaiy context as well as the particular features of the Byzantine hagiographic tradition. It arrives at solid and clear conclusions regarding the Vita’s influence on and contribution to the formation and development of the Slavonic literary tradition relating to the saint. The results of the study show that the oldest Slavonic canon is actually based on Deacon Vasilikos’ Vita and not on the preserved Slavonic vitae of the saint, and that from the mid-fourteenth century the Slavonic hagiographic tradition developed independently of the Byzantine one. In addition, the monograph proves that after the transfer of the saint’s relics from Kallikrateia tc different political and cultural centers in the Mediaeval Balkans, St Parasceve of Epibatae was not entirely forgotten in Byzantium, and that her memory was obviously revived in the Greek environment both by the “resurrection” of the Byzantine synaxarion and its enrichment with new stories of Modem Greek origin in the seventeenth century.
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10 най-продавани книги за месеца
1. Царска България (1879-1946). Българският владетелски двор (личности, длъжности, биографии)
2. Бързо насън (събрани стихотворения)
3. Нека помним. Истории от историята
4. Антология на едното стихотворение
5. Борис Делчев. Дневник, том 1 (1939-1961)
6. Кант. Биография
7. Самотният човек. Новели
8. Потулена София
9. Георги Кьосеиванов. Прокуденият премиер
10. Дзен пиян

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