Една вълнуващо разказана история за първия и най-кръвопролитен атентат в българската история (а може би и в европейската история въобще) с над 150 убити – този в църквата "Света Неделя" в София. Атентатът бил извършен на 16 април 1925 г., но последствията от него оставят дълга следа чак до наши дни.
A divine service in the Church St Nedelya -one of the biggest Sofia churches. A high explosive blows to pieces the silence of prayer and the bodies of the congregation.
The film tells the story of the first and very bloody bomb attempt in Bulgarian history. The bombing took place on 16 April 1925. but has had very severe consequences ever since.
The bombing was organized by a group of former Bulgarian officers for political reasons, and in pursuit of supreme goals.
The authors point out at the end of the film: „Former Bulgarian officers died in a war with other Bulgarians. Believing that assassination can be justified by a supreme goal.
But only life is worth being a supreme goal."
You have 3 reasons to see this film:
1. An emotional story from the beginning of the 20th sentury
2. An important dialog about the humanity and the supreme goals
3. A story that reveals the secret plans of the politicians